Settler Colonialism in the Canadian Context: Ongoing Violence against Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people


Grey, Sam and Alison James. “Truth, Reconciliation, and ‘Double Settler Denial’: Gendering the Canada-South Africa Analogy.” Human Rights Review 17, no. 1 (2016): 303-328. 

Miranda, Deborah. “Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 16, no. 1-2 (2010): 253-284.

Morgensen, Scott Lauria. “Settler Homonationalism: Theorizing Settler Colonialism within Queer Modernities.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Volume 16, Number 1-2, (2010) 105-131. 

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Reclaiming Power and Place: An Executive Summary (2019).  

Simpson, Audra. “The State is a Man: Theresa Spence, Loretta Saunders and the Gender of Settler Sovereignty.” Theory & Event 19, no. 4 (2016).


[i] The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Reclaiming Power and Place, 1-2.

[ii]Reclaiming Power and Place, 16.  

[iii] Reclaiming Power and Place, 5.

[iv] Reclaiming Power and Place, 38. 

[v] Reclaiming Power and Place, 38. 

[vi] Reclaiming Power and Place, 21. 

[vii] Reclaiming Power and Place, 17. 

[viii] Reclaiming Power and Place, 17.

[ix] Reclaiming Power and Place, 17.

[x] Deborah Miranda “Extermination of the Joyas: Gendercide in Spanish California”, 256.

[xi] Scott Morgensen, “Settler Homonationalism”, 108.

[xii] Reclaiming Power and Place, 22. 

[xiii]   Sam Grey and Alison James, Truth, Reconciliation, and ‘Double Settler Denial’: Gendering the Canada-South Africa Analogy”, 309.

[xiv]   Reclaiming Power and Place, 22.

[xv]   Reclaiming Power and Place, 22. 

[xvi] Grey and James, 312.

[xvii] Reclaiming Power and Place, 22.

[xviii] Grey and James, 305-6.

[xix] Reclaiming Power and Place, 56.

[xx] Reclaiming Power and Place, 56-7.

[xxi] Reclaiming Power and Place, 82.

[xxii] Reclaiming Power and Place, 82.

[xxiii] Reclaiming Power and Place, 57.

[xxiv] Miranda, 254. 

[xxv] Audra Simpson, “The State is a Man: Theresa Spence, Loretta Saunders and the Gender of Settler Sovereignty”.